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Электронный компонент: CLC730033

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The CLC730029, Rev. B (through-hole) evaluation board
provides an easy means of testing the operation and
performance of both the CLC520 and the CLC522 in
their 14-pin DIP packages. Note, this board obsoletes
an earlier CLC520 evaluation board - part
A similar board, CLC730033, Rev. B,
(SOIC) accommodates the CLC520 and CLC522 surface
mount versions. Please refer to the CLC520 and the
CLC522 data sheets for complete performance information.
I. Basic Operation
Figure 1 shows the complete evaluation circuit imple-
mented on this board. The primary connections are
shown with solid lines, while several optional circuit
connections are shown with dashed lines.
Figure 1: External components & amplifier
internal block diagram
The CLC520 and the CLC522 have the same pin
definitions with the only exception of an additional +V
connection on pin 13 of the CLC522, whereas pin 13 is a
no-connection the CLC520. The evaluation board
hard-wires pin 13 and pin 14 together, applying +V
both pins allowing the board to accommodate both
devices. The key operational differences between the
CLC520 and the CLC522 are found with the gain-adjust
input (V
: pin 2). The gain-adjust input voltage range of
the CLC520 is 0-2V while that for the CLC522 is 1.0V.
Also the gain-adjust input resistance (pin 2 to ground) is
typically 750
for the CLC520 and typically 100k
for the
CLC522. One wiring difference should be noted, the
ground connection from pin 9 (R11 on the evaluation
board) of the output amplifier's non-inverting input should
be a very low inductance short to ground for the CLC520
and 20
for the CLC522.
II. Basic CLC520 Connection
Figure 2 represents the simplest board configuration
for the CLC520. The specific resistor values depicted
here configure the CLC520 with a maximum gain of
+10V/V; this is the condition used to specify the part in its
data sheet.
Figure 2: Basic CLC520 Connection
The circuit of Figure 2 implements a non-inverting
variable-gain amplifier with a 50
input impedance (R1),
a 50W output impedance (R8), and a maximum gain of
+10V/V (1.85*(R7/R3)). Recognizing the combination of
the 50
series output resistor and the 50
load results
in a voltage divider, the gain to this matched load is one
half of the maximum device gain setting, i.e. +5 (14dB).
The gain adjust input has a 0-2V range with V
> 2.0V
yielding the maximum gain while V
= 0V yields the
maximum signal attenuation. Note, the CLC520's
parallel combination of R4 (53.6
) and its internal
resistor to ground on pin 2 results in a 50
impedance for V
. The inverting input (In-) is ground-
referenced through 50
while the output amplifier's
non-inverting input is ground-referenced at pin 9. The
evaluation board provides a component location at pin 9
(R11) used as a ground connection for the CLC520. This
ground connection should be very short from the hole for
R11 directly to the top-side ground plane, not a long wire
in place of R11. In an application board layout, the
CLC520's pin 9 should be taken directly into a very low-
CLC520/522 Evaluation Boards
Part Numbers CLC730029, CLC730033
August 1996
1996 National Semiconductor Corporation
Printed in the U.S.A.
inductance ground plane with as little lead length as
possible. This will prevent the possibility of a high-
frequency resonance (>400 MHz) in the output amplifier's
input stage from causing any stability or frequency
response problems. Earlier discussions of the CLC520
implied that pin 9 could be used to introduce a DC offset
into the output amplifier. Due to its limited input voltage
range and the need for a broadband low source
impedance on pin 9, this method of introducing a DC
offset is not recommended. As will be discussed later, an
additional signal or DC offset can be more effectively
introduced through the inverting input (pin 12).
III. Basic CLC522 Connection
Figure 3 shows the simplest configuration for evaluating
the CLC522. The specific resistor values depicted here
configure the CLC522 with a maximum gain of +10V/V;
this is used to specify the part in its data sheet.
Figure 3: Basic CLC522 connection
This circuit is nearly identical to that of the CLC520. The
only two circuit changes are seen at the gain-adjust
input (pin 3), terminated here in 50
as opposed to the
CLC520's 53.6W (the difference lies in the fact that the
CLC522 has a much greater input impedance through
pin 2 than the CLC520) and the ground-reference of the
output amplifier (pin 9) is taken to ground through a
resistor (R11). The input gain-adjust voltage range
of the CLC522 is l V. -1V for minimum gain (maximum
attenuation) to +1V for maximum gain set by 1.85-
(R7/R3). Again, the ground connection on inverting input
of the pin 9 is very critical to the high-frequency stability
of the amplifier. In this case the 20
resistor acts to
stabilize a high frequency (>400 MHz) resonance in
the output stage. An optional power-supply decoupling
capacitor (C8) is shown with the CLC522 on pin 13 of
Figure 1. A 0.01
F capacitor located at C8 can be used
to slightly improve the device's fine scale pulse settling
time, however, in most cases this capacitor is not
required for evaluation.
IV. Gain Control Input Resistor Options
Two additional resistor locations (R12 & R13) are included
on the gain-adjust line. The resistor locations may be
used to introduce a DC bias on pin 2. Figure 4 provides
an example of how R12 and R13 can be used to fix the
CLC520 and the CLC522 at their maximum gains by
applying a resistive DC-bias voltage on pin 2 in the
absence of an applied V
input. Note, the CLC520
presents an approximate 750
resistance on pin 2 while
the CLC522 is typically 100k
Figure 4: Setting up for the fixed maximum gain
One CLC520 application (shown above) is a fixed
maximum-gain connection combined with an open-
collector pull-down (not shown) to disable the gain
channel. If an open-collector gate is used to pull pin 2
low, the signal would see its maximum attenuation.
While this arrangement will greatly improve the down-
stream signal isolation, it will not cause the CLC520's
output to rise to a high impedance nor reduce its
quiescent current.
A related CLC522 application (shown above) reverses
the positions of the two resistors, resulting in a negative
DC bias on pin 2. This arrangement will place the part
into a default maximum-attenuation mode and therefore,
in the absence of an applied V
voltage, isolate the part
from signal transmission. Since the resistors used here
are relatively large, any DC source for V
can be used to
drive pin 2 to the desired gain-control voltage.
V. Summing Signals and Offsets into the Output Stage
The output amplifier's inverting node (pin 12) is available
to introduce any additional signals or offsets into the
output. Since pin 12 is a virtual ground, additional signals
may be summed into this node without a substantial
impact of the signal current flowing from the adjustable-
gain path. Briefly, adding an additional impedance on the
output amplifier will result in a slight bandwidth reduction
of the output amplifier and an increase in the noise
gain for the output amplifier's non-inverting input noise
voltage. Refer to application note OA-13 for a more
thorough discussion of current feedback amplifiers in
inverting summing applications. Figure 5 shows an
example of using the optional components on the board
to sum in a high-speed signal with a gain of -2 to the
output pin (or -1 to the matched 50
Figure 5: Summing a high-speed signal into the output
Note, R6 can be used in either of two locations on this
board. In Figure 5 R6 is positioned as part of the output
op amp's inverting input (ln2) termination. Alternatively,
it can be positioned to pick off the wiper voltage of an
offset-adjust pot (R14 Figure 1) which is to be fed into the
inverting node of the output amplifier. Figure 6 shows
this application where an output offset, independent of
the gain adjustment stage, is introduced into the inverting
node of the output amplifier.
Figure 6: Summing in an output DC offset
VI. Nulling the Output DC Offset
Both the CLC520 and the CLC522 consist of three
major functional sections each of which contributes a DC
offset voltage to the output of the device; the differential
input buffer, the multiplier core and the output amplifier.
The offsets produced by the input buffer and the output
amplifier can be nulled with the appropriate external
circuitry. It will not be possible to completely null the
offset effects of the multiplier core because of its non-
linear nature. As a result, a small non-linear DC offset
voltage gain over the adjustment range will always
be present at the output of the device. Figure 7 shows
the required external circuitry necessary to add the
appropriate nulling offsets at both the input buffer and the
output amplifier.
Figure 7: Input and output stage DC nulling
The output stage offset should be trimmed prior to the
input stage. With the gain adjust pin set at minimum gain
(maximum attenuation), the output stage offset may be
nulled independently from the input stage. R14 should
be adjusted to yield the desired output error voltage
(typically <1 mV). Having corrected for the input offset
voltage and bias current errors of the output amplifier,
returning the gain adjust pin to the maximum gain voltage
will allow the input buffer stage DC offset errors to be
corrected. With no input signal present, but with matched
source impedances at each of the two buffer inputs, R10
in Figure 7 can be adjusted to bring the output to within
the desired error band.
Adjusting the input and the output stage offsets at the two
gain extremes will hold the output DC error at a minimum
at these two points in the gain range. If a more limited
gain range is anticipated, the adjustments should be
made at these operating points. The non-linear DC error
introduced by the multiplier core will cause a residual,
gain dependent, offset to appear at the output as the gain
is swept from minimum to maximum. Also, neither the
input nor the output offset adjustments described here
will improve temperature drift effects. Please see the
CLC522 data sheet for a more complete discussion of
DC offset control.
VII. Printed Circuit Board Layout
The CLC520/522 evaluation boards show a careful
attention to parasitic effects in the layout. Generally, any
parasitic it coupling path to an AC ground (this includes
both power and ground planes) should be avoided at any
of the signal input and output pins. At the same time, a
very good, close proximity, ground plane needs to be
provided for the power supply de-coupling capacitors.
These boards show the ground plane totally opened up
around the part, but close enough to provide minimum
parasitic inductance for the the de-coupling capacitor
connections. The ground plane on the evaluation
boards is also part of a 50
transmission line
impedance implemented on the two buffer input and
gain adjust traces.
Best frequency response flatness is obtained if there is
minimal parasitic capacitance to ground on the output
of the two input buffers, pins 4 & 5. The gain setting
resistor (R3 on these boards) should be in very close
proximity to these pins with short, symmetric, PC board
traces connecting to pins 4 & 5. As application note
OA-16 describes, this trace symmetry to the gain set-
ting resistor will improve the high frequency CMRR in
differential amplifier applications.
All of the I/O pins associated with the output stage
amplifier are particularly sensitive to parasitic capaci-
tance to an AC ground. The non-inverting input pin (pin
9) should be tied directly to the ground plane for the
CLC520, while a 20
resistor to ground (R11) should
be used for the CLC522. The output amplifier's feed-
back resistor,(R7), should also be connected between
the output and the inverting input (pins 10 & 12) with
minimum trace length and parasitic coupling to any AC
ground. And finally, the output pin should be buffered
from the load by a resistor, (R8), that is acting as either
an impedance matching resistor, for driving a doubly
terminated transmission line, or as an isolation resistor,
when driving capacitive loads. Please see the amplifi-
er data sheets for the recommended series resistor
value vs. capacitive load.
Figures 8 and 9 show the board layouts for these two
evaluation boards.
Figure 8: 730029, Rev. B
Figure 9: 730033, Rev. B
Evaluation Board Parts List - See the device data
sheets along with the discussion and examples shown
here when selecting component values.
Recommended Type
Input terminating resistors
RN55D 1% metal film
Gain setting resistor
Gain adjust termination res.
Output signal summing
Output amp. feedback res.
Output imped. matching res. RN55D
Input offset injection res.
Input offset adjustment pot
Bournes 10k cermet pot
Output non-invert. gnd. res.
R12,R13 Gain adjust default setup RN55D
Output offset adjustment pot Bournes 10k cermet pot
Notes: R11 should be a simple grounding strap for the CLC520.
Slightly improved AC response can be obtained by using very low
reactance resistors (Precision Resistive Products type PRP-8351) for
R7 & R3.
Cl, C2, C5, C6, C7
F Ceramic capacitor
F Ceramic capacitor
F Tantalum capacitor
(Sprague 150D or equivalent.)
The 1/0 connector styles are:
-SMA (straight) Amphenol 901-144
-SMA (right-angled) Amphenol 901-143
The device through-holes on the 730029 board are large
enough to accommodate flush-mount socket pins if it is
desired to socket the part. These should be Cambion
P/N 450-2598 or equivalent. It is important not to use a
standard 14-pin socket since the relatively long connec-
tor distance above the board will severely degrade the
AC performance of the CLC520 and CLC522.
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